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Are you having trouble getting your business on the first page of Google? Google Local Optimization may be a good alternative in the meantime.


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How to Completely Optimize Your Google My Business Listing


SEO is a tough nut to crack for most people. However, if you have a local business, you can use Google My Business listing to enhance your visibility on Google. When a person searches for a service, a map and top three nearest listings will pop up. Those three listings contain information such as contacts, directions, services, opening and closing time, and reviews from other customers.


With all this information on your screen, the customer has enough to decide or visit your website. Google Local Optimization using these tips is the only way to ensure your business is among the three listings that a customer in your area will see first.


  1. Complete your profile

If you have already claimed or initiated your business listing on GMB, you must complete all the required information. Filling in each field accurately will help customers find you quickly and give you more favor on Google ranking.


  1. Add keywords to the description

GMB gives you 750 characters to describe your business and win customer’s hearts. Make good use of them by saying all the important things. However, you should also use relevant keywords that will help with ranking and make you appear on more searches. Give the most pertinent information in the first 250 words because that is what will appear on the knowledge card.


  1. Choose a relevant category

When listing your business, it is essential to choose one primary category for your business. Categories help customers to find you quickly, and it narrows down the choices. You can narrow down the options by picking several secondary categories.


  1. Add many photos

Did you know that customers are more likely to visit a business that has photos listed? However, you need to regularly update your gallery with amazing images that speak well of your business. If you own a restaurant, post pictures of happy people dining and having fun. You can also have plated dishes and staff photos. You can also add videos to your photo gallery if they are necessary to showcase the experience.


  1. Collect customer reviews

Customers trust the opinion of other customers and their experiences. You should seek customer reviews from your friends and loyal customers and list them on GMB. Additionally, make sure you answer your customer’s comments and complaints. People need to trust your business and you as a person with their money and feel that you care.


  1. Make good use of posts

Recently, Google added another feature called posts. You can post any events, press releases, or any information you want to get out there on GMB. The idea is to blow your competition out of the waters by standing out and attracting more leads. You can also post entertaining videos here or any video where you are answering questions to customers.


Businesses that have a complete and accurate Google My Business Listing enjoy 70% more location visits and 50% more sales. When you optimize your GMB listing, your business appears on more searches, including Google maps, and list finder and your visibility increases.

About Seo Tuners

SeoTuners is a Los Angeles and Ventura based Creative Design and Internet Marketing Company that offers high quality services to both small and medium sized businesses. SeoTuners lives up to the hype with customized services sure to boost online presence in no time. With stunning creative and thought provoking designs, SeoTuners design team stands-out above all the rest in the industry. Utilizing the latest methods in conversion optimization, along with proper site structure, your brand is sure to attract.